02.6732894 | Rue Jourdan 25 – 1060 Saint-Gilles

Monthly Archives: August 2018

It’s coming to Brussels!!

Is your mouth watering? Have no fear! September _____________ “La panzerottata” is opening in _______, Panzerotti straight from Apulia! We await you at_____________________ every day from ________ to_________

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You never eat it alone!

The panzerotto has always been one of the stars of Apulian cuisine and is the typical street food that you eat with others, obviously accompanied by an ice cold beer! Do you like them so much that you want to feast on them, trying all the different kinds? Then you have to have a “Panzerottata“! […]

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It’s shaped like a smile

The panzerotto is typically shaped like a half-moon or smile, much like the one you will make as soon as you try one…  

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La spécialité qui arrive directement du sud de l’Italie

Le panzerotto a été inventé à Bari, une ville de la région des Pouilles, aux alentours du XVIème siècle. A l’origine, les panzerotti étaient préparés avec les restes de la pâte à pain. Pâte à pain, tomates et mozzarella : des ingrédients simples qui composent un des plats les plus traditionnels de la cuisine des Pouilles. […]

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